It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.10.09 Posted in today's words by

You read Bobbie Troy’s poem Dear Diane
here in October. Today brings us more evocative poetry from this
Virginia poet. Imagery serves to flesh out this poem, it also serves to
register the continuity of man and war/community and isolation. This
week we celebrate Veteran’s Day, so think about someone you know who
happens to wear a uniform. And think about what that someone shares
with the long line of soldiers that came first.

By Bobbie Troy

the sweet and sour smell of war
lingered on my hand after he held it

all the way from 1776
to Iraq in 2009
the smell was fermenting

until that old soldier left it
on all the hands he shook
in Roy and Jan’s Bar
so he wouldn’t have to die alone

6 Responses to “Soldier”

  1. Kellie says:

    Very strong message. I love the idea of his handshake being both a connection to other people and a connection to history. The only suggestion would be to elude to the bar through a visual rather than just stating that he and others are in a bar.

  2. Jenn says:

    I thought it was very powerful and moving!

  3. Dee Ann says:

    Very poignant and thought provoking.

  4. MaryAnn says:

    It is amazing that Bobbie can say so much with so few words.

  5. Bobbie Troy says:

    Thanks, Kellie!

  6. Bobbie Troy says:

    Thanks, Jenn. I read this at a local coffeehouse back in April and it was
    well received.

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