It's just poetry, it won't bite

Strange Grandmother

11.28.11 Posted in today's words by

Mariah Boone’s most recent poem to appear here was Thirsty Elbows (October 2011).

Strange Grandmother
By Mariah Boone

My mother-in-law
Feeds crackers and cheese to my four-year-old daughter
At midnight
My mother-in-law says she wants us to visit
But arranges no place for us to sleep that is safe for a small child
My mother-in-law keeps her up way past bedtime, then
Wakes her up early with intentional noise
Later making cold comments
When tired tears spill across the day
My mother-in-law
Tucks a plastic baggie of dried cranberries and cherries
Into my daughter’s little hand for the long road trip home
And content and happy
Is that cranberry and cherry ride
For miles.

3 Responses to “Strange Grandmother”

  1. Judy says:

    a lovely poem

  2. There are a lot of pent up emotions here. I hope things work out.

  3. sari says:

    I loved this poem. I understand it in my core. Thank you, it was wonderful.
    Human connections are often like the one expressed in the poem. Thank you!!!!

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