It's just poetry, it won't bite

Supernatural As

11.15.11 Posted in today's words by

Ben Nardolilli is a 25-year-old writer currently living in Arlington VA. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, One Ghana One Voice, Caper Literary Journal, Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, Super Arrow, Grey Sparrow Journal, Pear Noir, Rabbit Catastrophe Reviewand Yes, Poetry. His chapbook Common Symptoms of an Enduring Chill Explained was published recently by Folded Word Press and he is looking to publish his first novel. Visit his blog.

Supernatural As
By Ben Nardolilli

Put up a bush, and you have
A fence, along with a world
You no longer understand,
Where fear blooms better
Than all your reddest roses.

Erect a tree and you have
Shade, and a front yard,
A gift for summer feet,
Though no bush or sapling
Can grown under such trees.

Instead, leave an old forest
Fresh and growing unharmed,
Leave the trees and vines
Sprouting in between the roads
And behind the backyards.

You will have a better harvest,
Of animals, flowers, and leaves,
Cycling colors for all seasons,
You will make a new mysticism
Flourishing off the fresh path.

3 Responses to “Supernatural As”

  1. Jean says:

    What a smooth, polished, meaningful poem. Thanks so much for sharing it.

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