It's just poetry, it won't bite

Teaching the Back float

07.08.17 Posted in today's words by

Rebecca Villineau’s most recent poem to appear here was “The Roaches in my Grandmother’s Kitchen” (June 2017)

Teaching the Back Float
By Rebecca Villineau

Don’t disturb
the children in their slumber.
Keep the hallway light dimmed and doors
ajar. Let only the moon in her
tired gaze inch through.
Settle them,
into night’s fold,
night’s deep blanket.
The water is under their backs.
Arms outstretch like a starfish.
You must show them how to rest.
Guide their chins so that their heads are on your shoulder
and the water appears in ripples on the ceiling.
Give to them the soft rising of dreams.
When you feel this stillness,
when the body floats like a leaf on the current,
it is simply your job,
as their teacher,
to let go.

2 Responses to “Teaching the Back float”

  1. Char james says:

    Oh, how truly WONDER. Beautiful analogy and imagery, calming yet urgent.

  2. Bobbie Troy says:

    Lovely. Yes, let go.

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