It's just poetry, it won't bite

Places of Refuge

07.09.17 Posted in today's words by

Bobbie Troy’s most recent poem to appear here was “A Little Grayer Now” (May 2017)

Places of Refuge
By Bobbie Troy

where are
the places of refuge
where we can feel safe
from the world
and ourselves

where we can
hide from the shadows
that seek us
the memories of darker times

where are the places of refuge
that protect us
from all that was
and what might be

where no harm can cross
the safety border
to haunt our minds and bodies

7 Responses to “Places of Refuge”

  1. Frank Adams says:

    I really like this poem. Very well stated.

  2. You find the words to speak my mind. Thank you.

  3. Claire Brown says:

    if only we could answer that question!

  4. Claire Brown says:

    if only we could answer that question!

  5. Dee Ann Smith says:

    Wonderful and concise, as always. Thanks.

  6. It’s times like this that we all should be looking. Scary.
    Great poem, Bobbie.

  7. Bobbie Troy says:

    Thank you, everyone!!

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