It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Question

02.16.11 Posted in today's words by

Rob Howell is an aspiring poet and flash fiction writer who can sometimes be found performing in Central Florida spoken word competitions. Someday he may even win one. How many of you have had an experience like this on Valentine’s Day?

The Question
By Robert Howell Jr

She stared out the window as her pasta
congealed on the plate in front of her.
She was silent,
contemplating her decision as her options
played out before her.
Could this be the end?
Everything she had wanted,
spelled out in front of her by
“the question.”

It hung in the air between them,
growing stronger and heavier the longer it sat

Her date pushed a lonely meatball around
his plate as if expecting the answer to be divined
in tomato, basil, and grease.
He tried desperately not to rush her,
to give her the time to make her decision.

The air grew thick with every passing second
as her suitor stared at her out of the corner of his eyes,
hoping she couldn’t see him watching.

She could, and it didn’t make any of this easier.
So much expectation.
Finally the weight had become too much
and the question demanded an answer.

She smiled at her date,
and then her gaze strayed up to the waiter,
who stood patiently at their table.

“I think I’d love dessert.”

One Response to “The Question”

  1. Quite a build up for the perfect ending.
    I always like to be surprised.

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