It's just poetry, it won't bite

Walter Cronkite Wiped Tears From His Eyes

08.24.19 Posted in today's words by

Sandra Soli lives and writes in Edmond, Oklahoma. 

Walter Cronkite Wiped Tears From His Eyes
            Midland, Texas    July 20, 1969
By Sandra Soli

That evening at work, we borrowed
the largest television in stock from
Folger’s Magnavox next door, installed it
in the front window so passersby could wait
with us, hearts in our collective throats.

A crowd gathered and stayed late.
At the moment a human stepped into
lunar dust, everyone clapped
except for a few burly ranchers
who insisted it was a Hollywood stunt.

One man, who had supplied lawn chairs
said Nah, a Russian trick. Craning necks
skyward at the waxing crescent moon
we understood our lives had changed
though soon enough a white pearl would appear
to comfort the lonely & inspire lovers once again.

I cried that night and so did Walter Cronkite
like on the noon broadcast that day in Dallas—
Kennedy murdered, whose dream this night had been.

2 Responses to “Walter Cronkite Wiped Tears From His Eyes”

  1. A sad day. I remember it well; cried for days while glued to the tv.

  2. Ed Zahniser says:

    History got-up so nicely. Thanks so much! Wish I didn’t know who Walter Cronkite was — but aging does that . . . so I prefer aging to the alternative.

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