It's just poetry, it won't bite

Yellowed Jar

01.21.12 Posted in today's words by

Marcus Closen is a poet from Winnipeg (in Canada) where he studies English literature and film studies at the University of Manitoba. Follow him on twitter @marcusmicropoem.

Yellowed Jar
By Marcus Closen

You showed me a shelf of wonders
in your study.
Jars you had cleaned and
filled with interesting things
a pig kidney
a sparrow brain
I laughed–what else can one do
in the face of an eerie collection–
but you, I liked.
My heart rests now on that shelf.
You took it from me
and placed it in a jar
glass tinted yellow
like the goldenrod that suffocated me
the day you stole my heart.

2 Responses to “Yellowed Jar”

  1. Jean says:

    Well done! So much in so few words. Thank you for sharing this poem.

  2. bobbie troy says:

    Sad but lovely.

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