It's just poetry, it won't bite

Zipporah Addresses the Blossoms, Whose Music She Cannot Sing, But Moved Her to Make a Wig for Her Bald Mother

03.04.19 Posted in today's words by

Marc Tretin’s most recent poem to appear here was “Anniversary” (February 2019)

Zipporah Addresses the Blossoms, Whose Music She Cannot Sing, But Moved Her to Make a Wig for Her Bald Mother
By Marc Tretin

You, wisteria, posies, and roses,
when rain washed Mom’s cell phone from the compost heap
and I saw her with a naked man in sexy poses
we know it’s because alopecia makes her weep
that she’s not a woman, if a woman without hair.
You made me wrap your blossoms around twigs;
You told me this would show her that I care,
If I added a flowery hairpiece to her wigs.
I picked the dandelions growing wild next door
and the begonia that was started from a seed.
She said, “You made this for me. What for?”
I put it on her, pushed it down, then sticks made her bleed.
She cried, she yelled, “Crap! Thistles! Some damn lawn’s
chickweed prickles. You made me a crown of thorns!”

One Response to “Zipporah Addresses the Blossoms, Whose Music She Cannot Sing, But Moved Her to Make a Wig for Her Bald Mother”

  1. H. Larew says:

    A wonderfully acrobatic piece matched to the need for one on a Monday morning! Thanks for writing and sharint.

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