It's just poetry, it won't bite

Born in September

09.07.12 Posted in today's words by

Karla Linn Merrifield’s poem The Ice Decides appeared here in January 2012.

Born in September
(for Beau Cutts on his birthday)
By Karla Linn Merrifield

cloud crab swallows
full moon
drifting south
on second thought
spits it out
on my lawn
dew finds
full moon
a tasty silver morsel
its full light
in drops splinters
at my feet
anonymous spider stirs
pre-dawn air
ur-arachnid spins
full moon
webbed for an instant
waning commences
a coincidence
I step outside
to ingest the moment
full harvest

as day consumes night
sun eats inspiration

One Response to “Born in September”

  1. Lovely recycle of life/time.

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