It's just poetry, it won't bite

Sliver of the light

09.06.12 Posted in today's words by

Christopher Roe’s most recent poem to appear here was Isn’t That What the Night Is For? (August 2012).

Sliver of the light
By Christopher Roe

In the sliver of the light
that is my life
I cut a swath
across the darkness
that awaits us all.
And, Yes!
In shadows cast there
long and lean
where the truth
of laughter hides
the timid bird
in nervous flight
roosts in the rafters
of remorse.
And, Yes!
In fretful fight
dust motes crowd
the sliver of the light
that is my life, my breath
and in the great hereafter
my end, my death
And, Yes!
I will fight, I will write
to banish the darkness
and its all-consuming fright
to survive another night
to live again
renewed in love.
And, Yes!
Like a song at twilight
shared with the birds
my conflicted feelings
are caught in my words
in the unblinking
glare of hindsight
where I live and die
in my expectancy.
And, Yes!
In the sliver of the light
that is my life as it unfolds
in the silvered glow
of an indifferent moon’s 
dusty tears.
And, Yes!

One Response to “Sliver of the light”

  1. You packed a lot into the night. Glad we were able to be there with you.

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