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Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, Five Harvest Haiku

03.25.11 Posted in Contributor Series 8, today's words by

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine
Five Harvest Haiku
By Joan McNerney

A cup of coffee
warm fat pancakes bubbling up
my haiku breakfast

Just sniff those spicy
fruit bars crammed, packed in bunches
at the bakery.

Try some of this pink
cotton candy! It makes your
hands all sticky.

Nothing tastes more
exotic than the first
apple of the fall.

Luncheon by the lake.
How lucky we are to have
such a large finger bowl.

Joan McNerney’s poem Three Faces From the Month of March appeared at vox poetica as part of Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone in December 2010.

One Response to “Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, Five Harvest Haiku”

  1. Nice variety of haiku food groups. 🙂

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