It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, The Grill

03.21.11 Posted in Contributor Series 8, today's words by

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine
The Grill
By Harris Tobias

The festive meat sizzles on the grill
The sausage and the ground beef
The chirping guests swill their drinks
And make shrill, inconsequential speech
The summer frocks the women wear
Bare arms dangle like chops
The children all agaggle in the pool
Their innocent flesh revealed
The men in aprons stand concealed
By the smoke like wraiths, like ghouls
Outside a butcher shop
Like so many priests around
A sacrificial kill

Harris Tobias’ poems Haikus 8 and 12 appeared at vox poetica in January 2011.

2 Responses to “Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, The Grill”

  1. clarissa mcfairy says:

    O, but I do like this one! Especially “Bare arms dangle like chops”. Some look just like that, esp when the shoulders are meaty. Love the ghoulish end! Btw, are you vegetarian?

  2. A nice poetic story.Quite the visual.

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