Gianluca D’Elia is on the verge of big things. He is graduating from 8th grade and preparing to begin high school! You’ve read his work here before, most recently his poem Sojourn, which was part of Contributor Series 5: Dramatis Personae. Congratulations Gianluca! We are all looking forward to hearing about the great things you’re going to do.
I saw a light
By Gianluca D’Elia
I saw a light
Burning through the trees
And it wasn’t just the sun
It shined awkwardly
On the dark street
Like a house that had just caught fire
It burned and flamed
I saw a light
And it shined on a ship
That was sinking
Its SOS was sent out
But not in time
And now the bells of sorrow
Will chime
Only the survivors
On their tiny lifeboats will
Live to tell the tale
I saw the light
Shine on a young couple
And they just broke up
The girl was in tears
Black tears from mascara
Running from her eyes
The light didn’t have any possessions
It only carried inspiration
It came as a sign
That there is something bigger
That will either reward us or punish us
After I saw that light
The firefighters saved the house
The ship’s passengers were rescued
By a ferry that just happened to be passing by
The boy decided to stay with the girl
I decided to pack my things
And say goodbye
I’m going off to follow the light
Your poetry is amazing. You are definitely following your light. Such maturity, such wisdom. We can all learn from you, Gianluca.
I agree with Bobbie. If you have learned to express yourself in this way now…,when you grow up we will all marvel at your work. Good job.
Beautiful poem which shows great insight from a writer of any age, but especially one so young and so wise.
Another showstopper, Guanluca. The way the poem builds toward the end, when we get flashes back through each scene, that’s the work of a pro. Good job (again).
you definitely already have a way with the words!
I try. lol
Thanks for reading. This is really about the fact that there is a bigger force out there testing us. Humans are gonna destroy themselves, eventually. It’s not about these psychics and natural disasters and 2012 baloney. this is mostly our doing. I can’t even think about what’s happening because it makes me SO depressed. Especially because it’s only happening because of greed and stupidity. Our vehicles could operate on something else than oil – i mean the first engine ran on vegetable oil. We could be living a completely different life if we could just give a shit once in a while . We certainly have the knowledge and technology to live a different life. Just that we’re not ready to let go of our ego and think about the whole, the One.
So how about we make it possible through writing?
You guys are all my inspiration.