It's just poetry, it won't bite

Sea Cow

03.30.13 Posted in today's words by

Harris Tobias’ most recent poem to appear here was Spring (March 2013).

Sea Cow

By Harris Tobias

I saw the sea cow and her calf
Pass below me on the bridge
I saw them
Take a breath and carry on
So calm in manner and in mind
I marveled at their strength
Their length and breadth
So docile and peaceful is their kind
Despite their size
They could do no harm
Even were they so inclined
We could learn a lot from giants
so benign

2 Responses to “Sea Cow”

  1. Lori says:


  2. Someone in our family many years ago caught one in his pound net. The crew rushed to free her while he took pictures. They really are quite large. Nice poem. Thanks for taking me down memory lane.

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